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apps docs nginx http proxy

Details #

This container allows you to server all your containers trhough port 443 via ssl with only a single port forward set in your router.

How to enable>

How to enable #

Edit your /lochnas/docker-templates/nginx/.env file and enable this container with NGINX_ENABLED=true and other variables.

It is recommended you set a password for auth enabled applications to use by uncommenting the following two options in the nginx .env file.

SSL Certificates>

SSL Certificates #

Add a domain ssl>

Add a domain ssl #

You need to use the domain argument to create SSL certificates for your nginx setup. This is highly recommended and uses Let’s Encrypt for a valid certificate for free. Create your first root domain here for nginx to use as the default. Each app may need its own domain specified in its docs.

/lochnas/server.bin -domain add
Delete a domain ssl>

Delete a domain ssl #

/lochnas/server.bin -domain remove
Renew domain ssl’s>

Renew domain ssl’s #

This happens automatically but you can manually trigger it with the following command.

/lochnas/server.bin -domain renew