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Samba Windows File Share

apps docs samba file share

Details #

This is a template to add this container to your nas setup full functional with matching permissions and settings that of lochnas repo.

How to enable>

How to enable #

Edit your /lochnas/docker-templates/samba/.env file and enable this container with SAMBA_ENABLED=true

Create a usermap for windows file share to login, This is the linux username and linux user id on your host machine. You can get your user id with the id -u username command.

Additional Configuration>

Additional Configuration #

On first run it will create a default smb.conf from the templates directory. Afterwards you can edit docker-data/samba/smb.conf and change the paths, you can add as many shares as you would like.

Mounting SMB on remote machines>

Mounting SMB on remote machines #

This will not work outside of your network as the port is not forwarded. I recommend using a vpn server like the one built into Asus routers. Not recommended to port forward SMB in any scenario.

Ubuntu -


Windows -

Android -